How to print an Invoice/Quotation directly from our website

Select the products on our website and add it to your cart by clicking “Add to Cart”
Then click “Shopping Cart” at the top of the page.
This will display all the items you have added to the shopping cart. If you are satisfied then you can click “Checkout”.
You can now register as a New Customer or login as a Returning Customer and then complete all your relevant information. Please choose “Bank Transfer” as your payment option. This will provide our banking details on the Invoice/Quotation
After completing all the details, tick the box that you agree with our Terms and Conditions and click “Continue”
You will then need to “Confirm “ your order.
You will now be able to print an Invoice/Quotation.
When you are ready and want to accept the Invoice/ Quotation, you can then just pay for the order and the products will be delivered to you. Please use the order number as reference when making payment.

Your Invoice/ Quotation will be valid for 30 days from the date you have created it. We will cancel the Invoice/ Quotation after 30 days.